Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Microsoft Hater

I am a Hater of all things Microsoft, and I have been for some time. About three years ago I started using Linux and I have been using it primarily ever since. I do have a laptop with Windows on it that I use for school projects (I am a computer science major and often have to use Microsoft products such as Visual Studio), but when given the choice I always use Linux. However, if there is anything stronger than my hatred for Microsoft it is my love of technology. For that reason I have decided to try an experiment. I have heard that Microsoft has released quite a few cool products since I last used their stuff regularly and they have made significant improvements to others. Now I have no desire to needlessly hate a company or to hate them based on past mistakes. In fact, I think the recent rise of interest in Apple's products coupled with the dominance of Google on the web has provided Microsoft with quite a wake-up call and given them an incentive to improve their offerings. So I have downloaded the Windows Live apps and registered an account, and I will be trying out the goods and writing about my experiences and opinions. Will Microsoft win back my affection, or will my hatred only grow stronger? Stay tuned to find out.

1 comment:

SpockTron said...

DON'T DO IT! Microsoft is much more evil than before! I have been stuck with Vista for some time, and I have discovered that Microsoft hasn't changed at all.

1. They don't care about their users' satisfaction

2. buried in the end user licence agreement is the right for them to access all your personal files on the computer without your permission or knowledge

3. All their products are shit copies of good products, Bing is biased, and they are simply evil.

read more on (which will soon be updated with more anti-Microsoft)